学术动态Academic trends bsports官网 必一运动大学2021线上宣讲会第四场之bsports官网 必一运动专场 2020-12-14 “西交财会前沿论坛”2020年第13期:科创板关键事项信息披露及其监管 2020-12-10 报告题目:The Paradox of Relation-Specific Investment: Evidence from Customer-Supplier ... 2020-12-02 报告题目:THE SOCIAL DECISION FRAMING EFFECT: REJECTIONS ARE MORE CONTAGIOUS THAN CHOIC... 2020-12-02 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第12期:数智金融 2020-12-02 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第11期:Product Market Competition, Proprietary Costs,and Di... 2020-12-01 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第10期:Conflict of interest or efficiency improvement:Bank-... 2020-12-01 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第9期:Contracting in a Short-Term Relationship:Evidence fro... 2020-11-30 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第8期:Return Cross-Predictability in Firms with Similar Emp... 2020-11-30 “西交财会前沿论坛” 2020年第7期:The Real Peer Effects of Data Breaches: Evidence from... 2020-11-29 报告题目:Are Bad Leaders indeed Bad for Employees? A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Stu... 2020-11-25 报告题目:Data Center Network Design for Internet-Related Services and Cloud Computing 2020-11-24 报告题目:Food Delivery Service and Restaurant: Friend or Foe? 2020-11-24 报告题目:Toward Disruption-Dependent Demand: A Uni?ed Framework for Reliable Facility... 2020-11-23 报告题目:A General Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem 2020-11-18 报告题目:The Sand Cone Model of Self-image Motives for Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Mi... 2020-11-17 报告题目:Making the Most of Your Regret: Workers’ Relocation Decisions in On-Demand P... 2020-11-17 报告题目:竞合供应链中的技术依存和生产时序决策研究 2020-11-16 西交财会前沿论坛2020年第6期:国家社科基金申报:选题与写作 2020-11-16 西交财会前沿论坛2020年第5期:企业发展必经之路,中国债券市场到底有多少小秘密? 2020-11-12 bsports必一体育app官网登录入口< <1...1314151617...42>>尾页