学术动态Academic trends 2022管理学在中国 - 智库论坛 会议议程 2022-10-11 题目:Optimizing Customer Experience in the Coproductive Service: An Example of the Sin... 2022-10-10 “交大会计合作论坛”暨第四届学术年会(2022)征文启事 2022-09-29 题目:The Controversies About Curb-To-Gate Facial Recognition: Flight On-Time Performan... 2022-09-28 初心论坛第37期:中国企业抱团出海的区位选择及进入模式——来自“一带一路”沿线中国上市公... 2022-09-23 “西交财会前沿论坛”2022年第8期:陕西师范大学傅钢善教授学术报告 2022-09-10 2023中国会计与金融国际会议征稿启事 2022-09-02 教育部大数据管理课程虚拟教研室示范课程国家级一流本科课程《ACCA财务管理F9》第10期开讲公... 2022-08-23 题目:Sales and Price Guarantees under Markovian Pricing 2022-07-11 题目:Low-rank modeling for spatiotemporal mobility and traffic data 2022-07-08 题目:Uncertainty Quantification and Fairness Constraints in Dynamic Personalized Prici... 2022-06-24 题目:Embrace AI as Your Teammate: Toward Effective Human-System Integration in Vehicle... 2022-06-16 题目:Product variety in local grocery stores: Differential effects on stock-keeping un... 2022-06-14 题目:Low-Price Guarantees in a Dual Channel of Distribution 2022-06-08 题目:Regret in the Newsvendor Model with Demand and Yield Randomness 2022-05-16 题目:Optimizing Initial Screening for Colorectal Cancer Detection with Adherence Behav... 2022-05-16 题目:A polynomial-time approximation scheme for parallel two-stage flowshops under mak... 2022-05-12 题目:Optimal Policies and Heuristics To Match Supply With Demand For Online Retailing 2022-05-06 西交财会前沿论坛:The Extent of Internal Control Audits and Financial Reporting Quality... 2022-04-25 "初心论坛"第30期:如何成功申请国家重点研发及重大项目:政策解读与工科经验 2022-04-25 bsports必一体育app官网登录入口< <1...910111213...42>>尾页